Friday, September 11, 2009

Democracy in the Colonies

Which colonial region was the most democratic? Northern, middle, or southern?


  1. I think that the north was the most democratic because Rhode Island had the first republic out of all the colonies.

  2. One colony out of all the northern colonies makes that region the most democratic? You need to be more specific on what you mean by the first 'republic.'

  3. The Northern colonial region was the most democratic because, in Connecticut they made up the first unified document called the "Fundamental orders of Connecticut" it was also the first constitution to be written in the united states. Rhode Island created their own government. In Massachussets the pilgrams also developed their own government. So since all of these states had established their own government I think they are the most democratic.

  4. I got my information from:

  5. The northern colonial region was the most democratic. The southern region was mostly owned by joint stock companies who wanted people to grow tobacco so they could get a bigger profit. Eventually these colonies will become royal colonies because the royalty in England wanted the profits of the tobacco. The middle region was mostly proprietary colonies, the companies granted ownership of the colonies to someone. Such colonies included New York, Pennsylvainia, and Maryland. Eventually these colonies would become royal colonies so they never got a chance to become democratic. The colonies in the north were started by people seeking religious freedom and were not owned by a company. Because of this they were free from England's rule, they could have their own government, so they started a democracy. However it is ironic that the northern colonies were started to seek religious freedom but many were kicked out due to their religious beleifs, this is how Rhode Island and Connecticut started.

  6. I think the Northern colonial region was the most democratic because Rhode Island and Massachusetts made their own governments and when people left from other places, they went to Rhode Island to find democracy and religious toleration. Also in Connecticut, the first constitution was made.

  7. The Northern Colonial region was the most democratic by far. The Northern Colonies were formed by people who were seeking a place where they could have religious freedom. In doing this they were not being controlled by England's government, so they created their own government. A democracy.

  8. The Northern region was the most democratic out of all the regions. The mass bay company set up the mayflower compact. In which they set up laws and appointed governors. This shows democracy because everyone signed upon it, and had an input.

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  9. I agree with Brianna. I think that the Northern colonial region was the most democratic. Most of the Northern Colonies were made up of self governing territorys. But when the people left, they found themselves in democratic regions.

  10. I believe that the Northern colonial region was most democratic. i believe this because the colonies who came to the northern region to states like Connecticut and Rhode Island were people who left there home land in search of a place that can be free of certian governments or religious conflict. Doing so they could have their own government, leading to democracy where they could as a colony and a society, create their own government.

  11. The Northern colonial regions were democratic because most of them were founded by people who wanted to make a new life for them in a new world. They wanted their own society instead of staying in England were the rules were diffrent and some people didnt like them.

  12. The northern collonies easily, because they actually cared what the people thought of them, like how roger williams led away from the MA religion life, to find Rhode Island. Its with people like this who created the true democracy in the North. Decocracy is carring about what the people of theese lands want, and this is what Roger did, creating his own state and non-denominational religion lifestyle.

  13. North beacause it was more industrial developed than the south was

  14. The most democratic colonies were the Northern Colonies because the colonies were created by people who wanted to have their own life, and the best way to do this was to become a democracy.

  15. I believe the northern colonial region was the most democratic. I think this because the the middle region and southern colonial reagion became royal colonies. The North was most democratic because they lived their lives how they pleased (which ment they can view their own beliefs). This is why i believe that the northern colonial region was the most democratic.

  16. The northern colonial region was definitely the most democratic. In the colonies of Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, Puritans used the idea of a covenant to establish the American tradition of democratic government. The Pilgrims expanded this idea by instituting the Mayflower Compact. Followers of the compact met as the General Court. Here, an assembly of representatives met to make legislative decisions such as choosing the governor and council of advisors, enacting laws, and voting taxes. Eventually, residents of the northern colonies gathered to debate, vote, and elect “selectmen” at town meetings.

  17. The northern colonies were more democratic then the southern and middle. A democratic government is when the people have a say as to how to run their land/colony or when the majority rules. The northern colonies were free from English and Royal control and were able to create their own government and way of life, resembling a democracy with the majority having a say, they were able to have the freedom of religions and lifestyles that they wanted. The southern and middle colonies were mostly ran by Royals or the English such as King Charles the second ran the Carolinas and King George the second ran Georgia. Even though no one colony exactly resembled a democratic government the northern colonies had the most similarities.

  18. I think the north was more democratic than the south or middle colonies because of the fact that this boundaries havn't changed. The civil war was fought over political veiws, and the majority of democratic voters are from up north. Other American experiences than can lead to this include the Black history (south gave no rights, north gave rights) and the Native Americans being driven westward by the southeners, and the northerners making friends with them.

  19. I say that the north was the most democratic because they wanted to have everything be fair and wanted people to follow them and like them. In an article that i found there was something about people rejected from other colonies that came to the north because there they could have their own way of thinking and beleive what they wanted without fear of being kicked out or frowned upon. In the north people could think what they wanted and not have to worry about peolpe getting mad at them. Here it was, think what you want and it is perfectly fine.

  20. The northern collonies was the most democratic because they had more religion, government, and economy

  21. The Northern colonial region was the most democratic. The colonies in the northern region began when people came to the “new world” seeking religions freedom these colonies were founded by these new settlers without being ruled over like the royal colonies. This meant that could create their own form of government. The middle colonies however were made up of proprietary colonies. These colonies would later become royal colonies. The southern colonies were owned by joint stock companies. These companies founded the southern colonies to grow tobacco for money. These joint stock owned colonies would also later become royal colonies.

  22. I think that the Northern Colonial region was the most democratic because the states made there own government, even though they really are republican because the person they choose to run for the government is the one making the choices. However, since the north had there own government they are the most democratic region.

  23. The Northern Colonial Region was deffinitly the most democratic. The people in the colony actually formed there own government and rules due to their religion and beleifs.This is how the foundations of Rhode Island and Connecticut were built.

  24. The North was the most democratic colonial region of the developing regions at the time. For example, the Massachusetts Bay region established a bicameral, or a two house assembly. At first, this bicameral was only for church members could vote for deputies ( also known as the members who made the decisions in the assembly). These developments in the decision making of the colony were important things that led to the development of a democracy. Other colonies in the North also did the same and came to America to branch out with their own religion to form their own government which formed into a democracy. The North was by far the leading cause to the development of democracy in the Northern colonies.

  25. The northern colonies were the most democratic because they created their own government. The middle colonies eventually became proprietary colonies, meaning that Britain granted an individual or group full rights to govern the colonies. The southern colonies became royal colonies, meaning that they were ruled by the parent state, Britain. The northern colonies were self-governing, therefore making them the most democratic.

  26. I belive that the northern colonial regions were the most democratic becacuse Rhode Isalnd and Massachusetts made there own government, and not only cared about themselves they cared about others.People who wanted to start there life over, came to the northern colonial. They wanted to get away from all the rules that they had in england and have that sence of freeness but under a decromacy.

  27. The northern colonial region was undoubtedly the most democratic of the three regions. The northern colonies were established mainly for the religious freedom that could be had in America. Additionally, because the northern colonies were generally free from English control, citizens of these colonies could vote for their own officials and they had a general assembly. On the other hand, in the middle and southern regions, the colonies were mainly under royal rule and, therefore, the settlers did not have the freedom to vote for their officials of choice.

  28. I think that the northern colonial region was the most democratic. I think this because the northern region was run by the majority's vote adn the middle and southern were not. Each person had there own beliefs on religion and how things should be run.

  29. The northern region was the most democratic because the when the pilgrims first came to inhabit it, their intentions were to get away from religious persecution. Since their expedition was not out of enconomic desire the colonists would be form a democratic government without the king's meddling hand. Meanwhile when the British inhabited Virginia with intention of improving wealth, the king became involved with the colony making it royal colony. The story is about the same with the middle colonies because they started out as a propietary colony because the king didn't think those colonies would make as much profits as the southern ones had, but when they did start to make revenue the king quickly made them a royal colony so they also did not have a chance to start a democratic government.

  30. Nothern colonial was the most democratic because it was voted by the people, by the society. Nothern colonies were mostly about freedom of wisdom, what people believed, and wanted!!!!!!!!!While the other colonies were mostly ruled by royalty!!!!!!!!

  31. I believe it was the Northern Colonies that were the most democratic. The colony was established by people trying to escape religious prosecution. This meant that they were nearly free from control of the King, so they were able to vote for their own officials. With the people being able to vote, and have opion in what happened to the colony, the Northern Colonies were the most democratic.

  32. I concur with everyones statement... They all say the same thing " the Nothern colonial region was democratic which is true, it says in the book that the South was more into selling and growing, free religion and everything else

  33. the north colonial was more democratic they had a civil goverment

  34. The Northern colonies were the most democratic. These Northern colonies created documents such as the "Fundamental Orders of Connecticut" and the "Mayflower Compact" that created a foundation for the Constitution. These countries excersized many of the practices of democratic society, too.

  35. The northern colonies were more democratic than the middle and southern colonies simple because they were established around the concepts of freedom, refering mostly to religion. For instance, the colony of Massachussetts Bay had a well set up democracy and townspeople could vote at town meetings. Most of these northern colonists were seeking freedom and equality. And because of this mindset they adapted to rule by democracy.

  36. The northern colonies were the first to most effectively use democratic rule. These northern, new england colonies were primal to develop a society with the social and cultural reliance being based on religion and self governing, centralizing mainly on the family unit aspect and upholding the morals thus conceived with it. These new colonies upheld many rules and passed constitution like documents based on their beliefs for rightful and justful governing and coincided with each other about fending away from keeping the power centralized to one source of rule (sustaining the idea about royal rule being passed to and from selected individuals, favoring few "average joe's") The basis for this mindset is most evidently the predisposition of a democratic society.

  37. The Northern Region was far more democratic then the middle or Southern half. For example, in Massachussetts Bay colony they had a steady form of democracy. Town meetings were held and they were allowed to have their say and vote for what they wanted in their town. In the middle and the South Britain had main control over their form of government. The middle was given group laws by Britain and then the South was in the royal colony where they were completely ruled over.

  38. the northern region was more democratic then the sout because the northerner region held more meeting as a colony for who would become their ruler. the south had more joint stocks for their crops such as tobacco. but the north allowed the people to vote for their ruler.

  39. As stated by pretty much everyone, the northern colonies were the most democratic, because they were more concerned about the peoples' opinions than the south or center colonies. Their initiative with creating their own government, like the Mayflower Compact, and desire for religious freedom proves this without a doubt.

  40. the northern colonial region was the most democratic because the citizens made there own government and laws. also all people had their own beliefs and religion.thats how the foundations of connecticut and rhode island were built.

  41. The northern colonies were the most because the citizens were in control of what happened, and there was no one person in control
