Tuesday, September 29, 2009

B. Frank and the Stamp Act

Based on Benjamin Franklin's testimony to Parliament, 1766, were the colonists justified in opposing the Stamp Act?  Defend your response with at least two examples and use the definition of justified (as defined in regards to our unit essential question).  Due Monday 10/5/09


  1. The definition of "justified," according to dictionary.com, is "to defend or uphold as warranted or well-grounded." I believe that the colonists were justified in opposing the Stamp Act because first, they were already paying high taxes and didn't need to pay the government any more and secondly, the taxes were going towards the British army, which the colonists didn't even want in the first place. I would be quiet mad if I had to pay for something that I didn't want.

  2. the colonists were justified in opposing the stamp act because when they made the tax the colonists had not one to speak for them to say they didnt have the money to pay for this tax because they already spent money on the war and other taxes they have to pay on wine, rum, tea.

  3. Based on Benjamin Franklin’s testimony to Parliament, the colonists were justified in opposing the Stamp Act. To be “justified” means to have a basis in reason. The colonists certainly had valid rationales for contesting the Stamp Act. First, they could not afford to pay these taxes because they were already required to pay taxes on many other things. These included property taxes, a tax on all offices, professions, trades, and businesses, taxes on wine and rum, and taxes for imported slaves. It was virtually impossible for the colonists to pay yet another tax. Furthermore, the colonists had a vindicated right to oppose the Stamp Act because the money from these taxes was spent on the army that they did not even use. Although the money stayed in America, it did not have any use toward the colonists who were paying it.

  4. The colonists were "justified" in opposing the Stamp Act in 1766. As stated by Benjamin Franklin, it was wrong of British Parliament to impose an internal tax on the colonists. Parliament could not justifiably impose internal taxes on products that the colonists were forced to buy legally. The British especially had no right considering the fact that the colonists were not represented in the House of Parliament. No colonist was present to oppose or give any form of input on the tax; it came as a complete surprise to the colonists.

  5. Acoording to the definiton of "justified" which means "based on a reason". Based on thet definition the colonists did justified because they had many reasons to prove that the Stamp Act was not helpful for them and they would protest against it. Firstly they couldn't afford more taxes because they economy wasn't so good and they were already paying heavy taxes. Also the money they raised didn't go to their colonies for something better. The money was spended elsewhere. So the colonists were completely right on not agreeing to pay more taxes and also to cancel the Stamp Act.

  6. Being justified means to defend or uphold as warranted or well-grounded. So in this case I think the colonist were justified in the very least opposing The Stamp Act because they came to New England and the rest of the east coast to get away from British rule now they are being told to pay another tax to the British government on top of there already high taxes and this tax does not even go back to them, it is going back to Britain, for the British army, which the colonist don’t even want! Also when they fought in the French and Indian war they had to provide there own soldiers, weapons and other supplies which they have not been paid back for yet by parliament.

  7. "Justified" in terms of the dictionary is to be just or right. By this definition the colonists were justified in opposing the Stamp Act. The colonists were unfairly charged with taxes as they were being charged with internal taxes. These taxes were unfair as only the colonists had to pay them when the British did not have to pay. This made the colonists mad as they already had a hard enough time paying regular taxes and they did not want to have to pay anymore then they already did. The Stamp Act made it even harder to meet ends with the taxes that they were forced to pay. Another reason the colonists were justified in not wanting to pay the Stamp Act taxes was because the British had used money from the colonists and had not paid it back yet and they knew they would not get it back. This justified them because if the British was not going to give them their money back, then why should the colonists keep paying the British more money even after the British owe them plenty. The colonists were justified in their decisions as they stood up for themselves and did not let the British take them over by taxing them excessive amounts.

  8. The colonists were justified to opposing the stamp act, because the colonist were paying taxes to England and not benefitting from the taxes.....So Ben Franklin went to parliment to appealed the stamp act. If the colonists were getting things out of the taxes than im sure they would have close to no problem paying them "to defend or uphold as warranted or well-grounded"-dictonary.com

  9. The colonists do have a basis in opposing the Stamp Act. They spent all this money, and it only went back to new territories that were banned from going to. They thought it was an unfair tax. They lost respect for Parliment, especially since they were being taxed without representation. Plus the tax was too expense for them to afford.

  10. Based on Benjamin Franklins testimony in Parliament, the colonists were justified in opposing the Stamp Act. Justified meaning there was satisfactory reason for something done. The colonists didn't even have the money to pay for the taxes. Also the money they would supposedly be given back would be going to the new territory where the colonists were banned due to Royal proclamation of 1763.

  11. The word justified means based on reason. With this definition the colonists were justified in opposing The Stamp Act. The colonists could not afford the stamp tax because they already payed other taxes. The colonists felt that because they were already paying many other taxes that it was not far for the government to tax them to print official documents. The government kept telling the colonists that the Stamp tax was raising money for their colony. This was falase, the money was spent elsewhere. Because of these reasons and many others the colonist were definitly justified in opposing the Stamp Act.

  12. To be justified means something (such as a fact or circumstance) that shows an action to be reasonable or necessary. And in these terms i do believe that colonists were justified to oppose the Stamp Act based on Benjamin Franklins testimony in Parliament. I think this because this stamp act was unfairly taxing them with money they didn't have, on top of already being taxed on many other things. Even if the colonists did have enough money to pay the taxes, the money that was collected was not even directly going to them. The money was spent eles where. Such as clothing the british army, when colonists clothed there own army for the French Indian War. And rasied money wasn't being reimbursed.

  13. Being justified means to be based with reason. Colonist were justified to oppose the Stamp Act, the Stamp Act was taxing the colonies unfairly because some people dont have the money. The money collected wasnt going towards the colony it went to soldiers. With the Stamp Act, the colonies were justified to make a stand about what they believed in, but with that, they can get themselves in trouble.

  14. The meaning of justified is "to uphold or defend as well-grounded or warranted." Yes, the colonies were justified when they opposed the Stamp Act. They already spent a lot of money on taxes for everything they had or bought. The people in the colonies did not want to pay for the Stamp Act because they believed it was unfair for them to have to pay taxes on official documents. When they knew that the Stamp Act was not for paying for things around the colony. It was for paying for things involving the wars that the colonies had nothing to do with back in England. They did not like that one bit. This is why they opposed the Stamp Act.

  15. i believe the colonists were justified in opposing the stamps act because its not fair the brits got to get a majority of the money. i bbelieve it shouldve been more equal, the tax money shouldnt go to a land that the colonists are not aloud in anymore, its like us getting taxed to give have the money go to bolton. its our money, not theirs.

  16. To be justified means to be based in reason. Based on Benjamin Franklin's testimony to Parliament, i believe that the colonists were justified in opposing the Stamp Act, because the colonists couldnt afford the stamp tax because of other taxes they had to pay. Secondly, the colonists thought that it wasnt fair that they had to pay taxes for things that didnt have anything to do with them, such as clothing the British army. That is why i think they were justified in opposing the Stamp Act.

  17. The word justified means to have a basis in reason. I think that the colonists were justified in opposing the Stamp Act because they had legitimate reasons for why they disagreed with it. One of those reasons was that they were already paying taxes on pretty much everything else, so they could not afford it. Another one is that the taxes from the Stamp Act were going toward building the British army. The colonists didn’t see why they should have to pay for the British army when they already paid for their own (frankly, I don’t either). Also, they felt that Britain was giving them too many taxes and the colonies weren’t even represented in British government. All of these reasons make the colonists justified in opposing the Stamp Act.

  18. To be justified is to be just or have a reason for your actions. The American colonists defiantly were justified in refusing the Stamp Act. Similar to Benjamin Franklin said the colonists have already paid so many taxes and duties to Britain, that this tax is unreasonable. Not only have the colonist paid already but they even helped Britain in recruiting an army, and this is how Britain treats them, that is just not fair and right. The American colonists were defiantly justified in refusing the Stamp Act. Britain is out to just receive more money, power and land; they don't actually care about the colonists or their land.

  19. In class we defined justified as the act of being just and having a basis in reason. I believe the colonists were justified in opposing the Stamp Act, as we learned from Ben Franklin's testimony in the British Parliament the colonists already had heavy taxes to pay and there was barely any money to go around. They also knew that the money they paid would not go to the colonies but instead to the soldiers and to Britain, why should they pay a tax when they would not get anything from it? Another reason they were justified in opposing the Stamp Act was that the British Parliament assigned them the tax, the colonists had no representation whatsoever in government. The colonists were infuriated with paying this internal tax and they started the phrase "no taxation without representation." This phrase became a main idea in America and explains why Puerto Rico is still not a state.

  20. I feel the colonists were absolutely justified in opposing the tea tax. Justification is something based on reason and the colonists definitely had good reasons to oppose the tea tax. First off, they already were paying taxes and they just strait up couldn't afford the taxes. Also, Franklin stressed how Britain already did not reimburse the colonies for funding their selves during the war. Britain owed the colonies money let alone the people of the colonies paying more taxes to the British.

  21. Being justified is to be based with reason. The colonist were justified with opposing the Stamp Act because they were already paying taxes on imported slaves, rum and wine, also trades. There was no way they could afford to add yet another tax onto the ones they were already paying for. The British also used the colonists money and did not pay them back. This is why the colonists opposed the Stamp Act.

  22. The dictionary definition for “Justified” is to defend or uphold as warranted. The colonists were justified to go against the Stamp Act because they did not vote for these laws. People in Great Britain got to vote and knew what they were voting for. The colonists however, had no say in the matter. The colonists were also being taxed on all offices, jobs, property taxes, taxes on trade, business taxes on rum and wine and slaves. With all these things they were being taxed on it was very hard for the colonists to pay for yet another tax. Also the money from the taxes were spent on the armies that they didn’t even need.

  23. Of course the colonist were justified in rebeling the stamp act. According to the dictionary justified means to have basis in reason. Ben Franklin present countless examples of reasons why the colonist shouldn't have to pay the ludacris tax in his testimony. The two reasons that stood out to me the most were that the colonist where already paying taxing and that there was no representation in parliment for the colonies. The Stamp Act was proposterous because the colonies were already paying internal tax to support their communities and had little money as it was because they were forced to fight in the French and Indian war and the British still hadn't payed them back! On top of that the money collected by this tax wouldn't even come back to them in the slightest because it was being used in all the territory that they were not allowed to inhabit.Secondly this tax was unfair in the first place because the colonists didn't even have a voice in British parliment to voice their opinion.This reminds me of the meeting that occured after the Industrial Revolution in Europe where the different countries split of parts of Africa without Africa having a say in it. The British would soon find out that the colonist rights are not something to be taken lightly.

  24. In order to be “justified”, something has to be based in reason. Now knowing the definition of justified, I believe that the colonists were justified in opposing the Stamp Act. I believe this because the colonists couldn’t afford the stamp tax due to having to pay for their internal taxes as well. Another reason that the colonists were justified was that they had to pay because the British were using the money that the colonists paid and the only reason why they were charging them for stamps and such was because the British were using that money to pay for their own needs. This is why I believe the colonists were justified in opposing the Stamp Act.

  25. The colonists were very much so justified in opposing the Stamp Act. Justified, according to our notes in class, is to have a basis in reason. These colonists had plenty reason to stop the Stamp Act. They were paying taxes already, and having trouble living. They also found that they were paying more or less for the rest of North America through this and several acts, making it unreasonable to charge them.

  26. Justified means to be right with reasoning. The colonist were justified in opposing the stamp act. The colonist were unfairly taxed and they were already paying taxes. The colonist were unable to afford the taxes.

  27. Based on Benjamin Franklins testimony in Parliament, the colonists were justified in opposing the Stamp Act. They were justified in opposing the stamp act because to be justified means to have a basis in reasoning adn the people in the colonies could not pay the taxes because of a shortage in money. Even if they did pay the taxes the money would go twards new territory that they couldnt get to.

  28. To be justified is to be just or right. I believe that the colonists were justified in opposing the Stamp Act because they were already paying a lot of taxes to begin with. It wasn't fair to the colonist because the British didn't have to pay taxes. Another reason they were justified is because they were paying all this money to the British and they were never paid back any of it. They shouldn't have to pay money to them and not be able to get it back after, so there is no point in giving them any money.

  29. In my opinion the colonist were justified in opposing the stamp act. The definition of "justified," according to dictionary.com, is "to defend or uphold as warranted or well-grounded." The colonists were justified because they had many good reasons for not wanting the stamp act. The colonies already were paying taxes that they had created for themselves. They did not need and could not afford another tax. In addition, unlike the taxes they created for themselves, the money from the stamp act was not used to benefit the colonies. Instead they were used on the British army that kept the colonies in line and prevented colonists from moving west, away from British control. In a way the colonist were paying for their own incarceration. Another good point Benjamin Franklin brought up is that the colonies had no say in the taxation. They had no represtentative that could stand up for the colonist.

  30. The colonists were certainly justified in opposing the Stamp Act. To be justified means to have a basis in reason. The Stamp Act forced the colonists to pay a tax on all legal documents such wills, contracts, and birth and death certificates. The colonists had good reason to oppose this act because they already paid an exorbitant amount of taxes on all items shipped from Britain to the colonies. The colonists did not have enough money to pay anymore in taxes. The colonists were also justified in opposing the Stamp Act because the majority of the money that the British government received through colonial taxes was used for a military that did not help the colonists. In fact, the military that was paid for from the taxes was actually used to prevent the colonists from moving west, away from British surveillance and control.

  31. Based on Benjamin Franklin's testimony to Parliament, 1766. The colonist were definitly justified in opposing the Stamp Act. The definition of justified is "something has to have a basis in reason", which means "are you right in doing something". The colonist were taxed, on everything from businesses to certain drinks. They had to pay taxes to the British but the British still haven't paid them back from the French and Indian war. The colonist weren't all that wealthy so adding more taxes for them was pointless.

  32. The colonists had every right in opposing the stamp act. Before the tax was put in place the colonists already paid a bunch of taxes. Some taxes were rediculous such as the tax on imported goods. Due to prior taxes, the colonists didn't have enough to keep paying more.
    The colonists helped the British out during the French and Indian War. Alot of money was raised be the colonists, which hadn't been reimbured. Leaving the colonist extremely poor and sentenced with more taxes. The Parliament claimed the money was being used for the colonists own security and benefits. However, all the forts and military bases being built were so far away from the colonies that they provided minimal protection. The colonists also were restricted to only selling goods to british colonies. Unable to sell to the french and other countries, the colonists were unable to make money and pay taxes.

  33. The definition of "justified," is "to defend or uphold as warranted or well-grounded". The colonist were definitly justified in opposing the Stamp Act.The colonist were taxed, on everything from businesses to certain drinks.

  34. Yes, the colonialists were justifed in opposing the stamp act. For one to be justified, they must have a basis is meaning, thus meaning that they must have a reason to do somthing.
    The colonists were taxed on everything they saw or did, including important legal documents. Family memember die? thats nice, pay some taxes. born? pay more taxes.

    MISS DUKE!it won't let me (brittany peck) login to my google account, so i'm doing it thru aim! (orangebritt002).
    What would make me made as a colonist is the fact that the british haven't paid them back yet for the french/indian war.

  35. The colonist were justified as the deffinition goes- to defend or uphold as warranted or well-grounded. The defintion is what decided me because the made a act which was to create taxes on different items and then it became a lot more and with all the riots they never backed down on taxes which relates to uphold so in that case the colonist were justified.
